The former is responsible for collecting your personal data, according to the use that is given to them and their protection, so it has and implements privacy policies to ensure the protection of information and to avoid abuse and / or misuse of the same.
Your personal information will be used to provide the services of products you have requested, inform you about changes in them and evaluate the quality of the service we provide. Among others, your personal data collected will be used mainly to perform all necessary internal management related to the current commercial relationship, including credit issues and payments.
• Publicize our services
• Provide the services and products requested
• Inform about changes in our services
• Evaluate the quality of our services
• Consult credit bureau
• Credit Analysis
• Credit File
• Billing
• Needs assessment
For purposes mentioned above, we need to obtain your data in different ways: when they are provided personally or electronically (web, e-mail, chat, online surveys) by telephone and when carrying out promotional activities
• Voter’s credential and / or Professional Certificate and / or Passport
• Birth certificate
• Proof of address
• Telephone contact
• Position or position
• Email
Likewise, the following data considered as sensitive can be collected according to the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals:
• Patrimonial Data
• Property Title and / or Parcel Certificate
• Financial statements
We promise that they will be treated under the strictest security measures, always guaranteeing their confidentiality.
If you do not express your opposition so that your sensitive personal data are treated, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it and consent to them being treated in the terms and conditions of this privacy notice.
Likewise, we inform you that your personal data can be transferred and treated inside and outside the country, by people other than this company. In that sense, your information can be shared with the various financial and trade institutions with which we have commercial agreements.
If you did not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so.
After the information arrives in the database, it is stored in a secure server protected by a Firewall, and physical records are made for each one of them with confidential and physically restricted access, Asociaciones Agroindustriales Serranas S.A. de C.V., takes precautions to safeguard the information you provide us.
You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to oppose the processing thereof or revoke the consent granted for that purpose, through the procedures we have implemented. To know these procedures, requirements and deadlines, you can contact our Personal Data Department, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Law.
In the same way, you have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what we use them for and the conditions we provide them, as well as your rights to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete; that we remove it from our records or databases when it is considered that it is not being used properly; as well as oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes. These rights are known as ARCO rights.
To exercise any of the ARCO Rights, you must submit the respective application through the following means:
Calling 01 (225) 315 1456/59
To know the procedure and requirements for the exercise of ARCO rights, we offer you the following means:
The contact details of the person or department of Personal Data, which is in charge of processing the ARCO rights applications, are the following:
• Department of Personal Data
• City of Tlapacoyan Veracruz.
• Email:
• Telephone Number: 01 (225) 3 15 14 56/59
We remind you that you are entitled to exercise your ARCO rights through requests made by email or in writing accompanied by a scanned copy of your official identification and if you are a company, attach a copy of the Notarial Instrument with which you certify his personality, personally notifying the Department of Personal Data, at the address indicated for such purposes in the body of this document. For no reason will telephone requests or other means other than those specified in this document be received and validated; The deadline to attend the request is 3 business days.
You can revoke at any time the consent that, in your case, you have granted us for the treatment of your personal data, in order to stop using them. For this it is necessary to present the following documentation:
• Request to revoke the use of personal data, in free writing.
• Scanned copy of voter’s credential
• Letter of explanation of reasons for which you want to revoke the data processing
The above should be sent to
In a maximum period of 3 working days we will attend the request and will inform about the origin of the same through an email or telephone call.
However, it is important to bear in mind that in all cases we cannot meet your request or conclude the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we need to continue treating your personal data. Likewise you should consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent would imply that we cannot continue to provide the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with us.
Asociaciones Agroindustriales Serranas S.A. de C.V., reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time, for the attention of new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services. These modifications will be available to the public through our website or we will send them to the last email provided.
If you consider that the right to protection of personal data has been damaged by any conduct of our collaborators or our actions or responses, or presumes that in the processing of your personal data there is a violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of the individuals, you may file a complaint or corresponding complaint with the IFAI. For more information visit
Asociaciones Agroindustriales Serranas S.A. de C.V.,